Egorova, Olga
Хлебниковедение: размышления об истории и о будущем в год 100-летия бессмертия поэта.
In: Velimir Khlebnikov 1922-2022. One Hundred Years of a Myth.
A cura di:
Cortesi, Luca ;
Imposti, Gabriella Elina.
University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures,
pp. 71-89.
ISBN 9788854971820.
Full text disponibile come:
[Khlebnikovedenie: razmyshleniia ob istorii i o budushchem v god 100-letiia bessmertiia poeta] This article reflects on the present and future of Velimir Khlebnikov studies in Russia and abroad. The article provides examples of different types of events dedicated to Khlebnikov in Russia and other countries in the world, as
well as examples of information portals that are dedicated to the works of the great Russian poet. The article also presents a project developed by the author of this article and devoted to Khlebnikov – an unconventional edition of an
album on occasion of the three memorable dates: the 130th anniversary of the birth of Velimir Khlebnikov, the 75th anniversary of the birth of Gennady Glinin and the 30th anniversary of the International Khlebnikov Readings in
Astrakhan. In conclusion, the author shares her views regarding the future of Khlebnikov studies and why it may be of interest to the modern generation.
[Khlebnikovedenie: razmyshleniia ob istorii i o budushchem v god 100-letiia bessmertiia poeta] This article reflects on the present and future of Velimir Khlebnikov studies in Russia and abroad. The article provides examples of different types of events dedicated to Khlebnikov in Russia and other countries in the world, as
well as examples of information portals that are dedicated to the works of the great Russian poet. The article also presents a project developed by the author of this article and devoted to Khlebnikov – an unconventional edition of an
album on occasion of the three memorable dates: the 130th anniversary of the birth of Velimir Khlebnikov, the 75th anniversary of the birth of Gennady Glinin and the 30th anniversary of the International Khlebnikov Readings in
Astrakhan. In conclusion, the author shares her views regarding the future of Khlebnikov studies and why it may be of interest to the modern generation.
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
Velimir Khlebnikov, Khlebnikov studies, Russian poetry, avantgarde, “Marina Mnishek”
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2024 16:09
Ultima modifica
19 Dic 2024 16:17
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Estratto da libro
Parole chiave
Velimir Khlebnikov, Khlebnikov studies, Russian poetry, avantgarde, “Marina Mnishek”
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
19 Dic 2024 16:09
Ultima modifica
19 Dic 2024 16:17
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