A cura di:
Imposti, Gabriella Elina ;
Bąkowska, Nadzieja
Lezioni di Traduzione 3 (Traduzioni dantesche nel mondo).
University of Bologna, Department of Modern Languages Literatures and Cultures,
p. 121.
ISBN 9788854971530.
In: Lezioni di Traduzione
Full text disponibile come:
LESSONS IN TRANSLATION 3. The third volume of "Lezioni di Traduzione" is a contribution to the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death held at the University of Bologna. Each paper is devoted to the study of the translations of the "Divine Comedy", both from an educational and a didactic perspective. To explore significant examples of Dante’s presence in various languages and literatures, namely in the Arabic, German, French, Polish and Russian areas, the selected essays mostly focus on the act of translation and on the figure of the translator. The authors thoroughly examine the process of translation, the transpositional strategies, the intertextual references and adaptations of the "Divine Comedy" in different cultural contexts. In addition to this, they observe the reflection of specific cultures in Dante’s poem.
LESSONS IN TRANSLATION 3. The third volume of "Lezioni di Traduzione" is a contribution to the celebrations of the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death held at the University of Bologna. Each paper is devoted to the study of the translations of the "Divine Comedy", both from an educational and a didactic perspective. To explore significant examples of Dante’s presence in various languages and literatures, namely in the Arabic, German, French, Polish and Russian areas, the selected essays mostly focus on the act of translation and on the figure of the translator. The authors thoroughly examine the process of translation, the transpositional strategies, the intertextual references and adaptations of the "Divine Comedy" in different cultural contexts. In addition to this, they observe the reflection of specific cultures in Dante’s poem.
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, translation, retranslation, reception
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
22 Nov 2024 15:55
Ultima modifica
06 Dic 2024 09:11
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Parole chiave
Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy, translation, retranslation, reception
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
22 Nov 2024 15:55
Ultima modifica
06 Dic 2024 09:11
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