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Numero di documenti a questo livello: 67.

Bernardi, Alessandra (2001) Schemi 0-dimensionali e forme canoniche di polinomi omogenei. [Preprint]

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2009) A Mayer-Vietoris formula for persistent homology with an application to shape recognition in the presence of occlusions. [Preprint]

Casciola, G. ; Romani, L. (2004) A generalized conversion matrix between non-uniform B-spline and Bezier representations with applications in CAGD. In: Multivariate Approximation: Theory and Applications, 24-29 aprile 2003, Cancun, Mexico.

Biasotti, Silvia ; Cerri, Andrea ; Frosini, Patrizio ; Giorgi, Daniela (2010) A new algorithm for computing the 2-dimensional matching distance between size functions. [Preprint]

Cerri, Andrea ; Frosini, Patrizio (2011) A new approximation Algorithm for the Matching Distance in Multidimensional Persistence. p. 15. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2971.

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Carusotto, Iacopo (2011) Algebraic Geometry tools for the study of entanglement: an application to spin squeezed states. [Preprint]

Bauer, Ulrich ; Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2016) An edit distance for Reeb graphs. [Preprint]

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio, Barbara ; Ferri, Massimo ; Frosini, Patrizio ; Landi, Claudia (2010) Betti numbers in multidimensional persistent homology are stable functions. p. 24. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2923.

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) CMC surfaces in locally homogenous three-manifolds. [Preprint]

Frosini, Patrizio ; Jablonski, Grzegorz (2015) Combining persistent homology and invariance groups for shape comparison. [Preprint]

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Ferri, Massimo (2015) Comparing persistence diagrams through complex vectors. [Preprint]

Cavazza, Niccolò ; Ethier, Marc ; Frosini, Patrizio ; Kaczynski, Tomasz ; Landi, Claudia (2012) Comparison of persistent homologies for vector functions: from continuous to discrete and back.

Cattabriga, Alessia ; Mulazzani, Michele ; Vesnin, Andrei (2009) Complexity, Heegaard diagrams and generalized Dunwoody manifolds. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Gimigliano, Alessandro ; Idà, Monica (2009) Computing symmetric rank for symmetric tensors. [Preprint]

Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) Curvature estimates for minimal surfaces with total boundary curvature less than 4$\pi$. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2010) Decomposition of homogeneous polynomials with low rank. [Preprint]

Cavazza, Niccolò ; Ferri, Massimo ; Landi, Claudia (2010) Estimating multidimensional persistent homology through a finite sampling. p. 11. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2861.

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Frosini, Patrizio (2013) Filtrations induced by continuous functions. [Preprint]

Frosini, Patrizio (2013) G-invariant Persistent Homology. [Preprint]

Incensi, Francesca (2008) GIT quotients of projective spaces. [Preprint]

Ferri, Massimo (2013) Graphic-based concept retrieval. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra ; Catalisano, Maria Virgina ; Chiantini, Luca (2011) Grassmann secants and linear systems of tensors. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra ; Catalisano, M. Virginia (2011) Higher secant varieties of $\mathbb P^n \times\mathbb P^ 1$ embedded in bi-degree $(a,b)$. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Carlini, Enrico ; Catalisano, Maria Virginia (2010) Higher secant varieties of $\mathbb{P}^n \times \mathbb{P}^m$ embedded in bi-degree $(1,d)$. [Preprint]

Bellingeri, Paolo ; Cattabriga, Alessia (2009) Hilden braid groups. [Preprint]

Bernardi, A. (2007) Ideals of varieties parameterized by certain symmetric tensors. [Preprint]

Bernardi, A. (2007) Ideals of varieties parameterized by certain symmetric tensors. [Preprint]

Andrea, Cerri ; Patrizio, Frosini (2010) Invariance properties of the Multidimensional matching distance in Persistent Topology and Homology. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2765.

Cerri, Andrea ; Ferri, Massimo ; Frosini, Patrizio ; Giorgi, Daniela (2007) Keypics: free–hand drawn iconic keywords. p. 6. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2317.

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2010) Minimal decomposition of binary forms with respect to tangential projections. [Preprint]

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio, Barbara ; Jablonski, Grzegorz ; Medri, Filippo (2012) Multi-scale approaches for the matching distance estimation. [Preprint]

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio , Barbara ; Medri, Filippo (2011) Multi-scale approximation of the matching distance for shape retrieval. In: CTIC 2012 -- 4th International workshop on computational Topology in Image Context , 6-8 Febbraio 2012, Bertinoro.

Cerri, Andrea ; Frosini, Patrizio (2009) Necessary conditions for discontinuities of multidimensional size functions. p. 23. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2625.

Frosini, Patrizio ; Landi , Claudia (2010) No embedding of the automorphisms of a topological space into a compact metric space endows them with a composition that passes to the limit. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2768.

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio , Barbara (2010) On certain optimal diffeomorphisms between closed curves. [Preprint]

Cerri, Andrea ; Di Fabio , Barbara (2010) On certain optimal homeomorphisms between closed curves. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Fulghesu, Damiano (2003) On generalized Kummer of rank 3 vector bundles over a genus 2 curve. Le Matematiche, LVIII (II). pp. 237-255.

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2009) On the X-rank with respect to linear projections of projective varieties. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2010) On the X-rank with respect to linearly normal curves. [Preprint]

Arrondo, Enrique ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2009) On the variety parametrizing completely decomposable polynomials. [Preprint]

Cagliari, Francesca ; Di Fabio, Barbara ; Ferri, Massimo (2008) One-Dimensional Reduction of Multidimensional Persistent Homology. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2632.

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2010) Partial stratification of secant varieties of Veronese varieties via curvilinear subschemes. [Preprint]

Cagliari, Francesca ; Ferri, Massimo ; Gualandri, Luciano ; Landi, Claudia (2012) Persistence modules, shape description, and completeness. Springer LNCS, 7309 . pp. 148-156.

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2011) Persistent Homology and Partial Similarity of Shapes. [Preprint]

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) Properness results for constant mean curvature surfaces. [Preprint]

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2011) Reeb graphs of curves are stable under function perturbations. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Catalisano, Maria Virginia ; Gimigliano, Alessandro ; Idà, Monica (2008) Secant varieties to osculating varieties of Veronese embeddings of $P^n$. [Preprint]

Angeli, Alessia ; Ferri, Massimo ; Monti, Eleonora ; Tomba, Ivan (2018) Shortened persistent homology for a biomedical retrieval system with relevance feedback. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Catalisano, Maria Virginia (2006) Some defective secant varieties to osculating varieties of Veronese surfaces. Collect. Math., 57 (1). pp. 43-68.

Frosini, Patrizio (2010) Stable comparison of multidimensional persistent homology groups with torsion. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2010) Stratification of the fourth secant variety of Veronese variety via the symmetric rank. [Preprint]

Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) Structure theorems for embedded disks with mean curvature bounded in $L^p$. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2011) Symmetric tensor rank with a tangent vector : a generic uniqueness theorem. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2011) Tensor rank on tangent developable of Segre varieties. [Preprint]

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2008) The CMC Dynamics Theorem in R^3. [Preprint]

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2008) The CMC Dynamics Theorem in homogeneous n-manifolds. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra ; Ranestad, Kristian (2011) The cactus rank of cubic forms. [Preprint]

Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2014) The edit distance for Reeb graphs of surfaces. [Preprint]

Smyth, Brian ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2008) The isometric deformability question for constant mean curvature surfaces with topology. [Preprint]

Cagliari, Francesca ; Di Fabio, Barbara ; Landi, Claudia (2012) The natural pseudo-distance as a quotient pseudo-metric, and applications. [Preprint]

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) The rigidity of embedded constant mean curvature surfaces. [Preprint]

Meeks, William H. ; Tinaglia, Giuseppe (2007) The structure of embedded constant mean curvature disks: extending the multi-valued graph. [Preprint]

Ballico, Edoardo ; Bernardi, Alessandra (2011) Unique decomposition for a polynomial of low rank. [Preprint]

Frosini, Patrizio ; Landi, Claudia (2010) Uniqueness of models in persistent homology: the case of curves. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra (2007) Varieties parameterizing forms and their secant varieties. [Preprint]

Bernardi, Alessandra (2007) Varietà che parametrizzano forme e loro varietà delle secanti.

Biasotti, Silvia ; Cerri, Andrea ; Giorgi, Daniela (2007) k-dimensional Size Functions for shape description and comparison. p. 6. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2316.

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