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Number of documents on this level: 33.

Biondi, Ilaria (2012) Traduzione e transfert culturale. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC) e Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna. ALMADL - Area Sistemi Dipartimentali e Documentali, p. 19. ISBN 9788898010035. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3211. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973221X.

Ivancic, Barbara (2010) Il dialogo tra autori e traduttori. L'esempio di Claudio Magris. Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), p. 136. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2855. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Altre pubblicazioni

Spinzi, Cinzia (2010) 'How this holiday makes a difference': the language of environment and the environment of nature in a cross-cultural study of ecotourism. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2786. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973-221X.

Johnson, Jane Helen (2009) Towards an identification of the authorial style of Grazia Deledda. A corpus-assisted study. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), p. 24. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2678. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973-221X.

Fusari, Sabrina (2009) Multilingual tourist videos as specialized discourse: the case study of Val Gardena. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2568. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973-221X.

Pano, Ana (2009) Diálogo y lengua española en contextos de comunicación mediada por ordenador. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2547. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973-221X.

Luporini, Antonella (2009) Frames, Transitivity Structures e gerarchie di potere tra personaggi: Harry Potter affronta Lord Voldemort in The Sorcerer's Stone. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2641. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Occasional Papers A cura di: Miller, Donna Rose. ISSN 1973-221X.

Bisoni, Claudio (2008) Il cinema tra paure post 11 settembre e il mal d'archivio nell'epoca dei new media. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2008) Arriving at equivalence. Making a case for comparable general reference corpora in Translation Studies. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2008) Adverb use in EFL student writing: from learner dictionary to text production. [Preprint]

A cura di: Bisetto, A. ; Barbieri, F.E. (2008) Proceedings of the XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Bologna, Italy: p. 233. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2397. In: Proceedings of the Incontro di Grammatica Generativa

Philip, Gill (2008) Metaphorical Keyness in Specialised Corpora. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2007) “Non una donna in politica, ma una donna politica”: Women’s Political Language in an Italian Context. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2007) Adverb use in EFL student writing. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2007) Idioms. A cura di: Malmkjaer, Kirsten. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2007) Review of Hoey (2005)Lexical Priming. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2006) Figurative language and the advanced learner. Research News: The Newsletter of the IATEFL Research SIG, 16 . pp. 16-20. ISSN 1026-4353

Philip, Gill (2006) Connotative Meaning in English and Italian Colour-Word Metaphors. Metaphorik, 2006 (10). pp. 59-93. ISSN 1618-2006

Philip, Gill (2006) “…and I dropped my jaw with fear”: The role of corpora in teaching phraseology. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2006) Arriving at equivalence: Making a case for comparable corpora in Translation Studies. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2006) “Drugs, traffic, and many other dirty interests”: metaphor and the language learner. In: RaAm6 Researching and Applying Metaphor, 10-12 aprile 2006, University of Leeds, UK.

Philip, Gill (2006) Metaphor, the dictionary, and the advanced learner. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2006) Reassessing the Canon: “fixed” phrases in general reference corpora. [Preprint]

Lipson, Maxine (2005) Exploring Functional Grammar. 2° Edition. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), p. 140. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/1138. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Functional Grammar Studies For Non-Native Speakers of English ISSN 1973-2228.

Philip, Gill (2005) Identifying Multi-Word Units in Context. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2005) Discovering clines of variation: the location and analysis of non-canonical forms in general reference corpora. In: PHRASEOLOGY 2005 The many faces of Phraseology. An interdisciplinary conference, 13-15 ottobre 2005, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgio.

Lipson, Maxine (2004) Exploring Functional Grammar. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), p. 138. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/871. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Functional Grammar Studies For Non-Native Speakers of English ISSN 1973-2228.

Freddi, Maria (2004) Functional grammar: an introduction for the EFL student. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), p. 244. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/867. In: Quaderni del CeSLiC. Functional Grammar Studies For Non-Native Speakers of English

Philip, Gill (2004) Habeas Corpus: direct access, salience, and delexicalisation in corpus-based metaphor studies. A cura di: Barnden, John ; Barcelona, Antonio. In: Mind, Language and Metaphor: the Processing of Metaphor and Metonymy – From Computers to Neuropsychology., 24-29 aprile 2004, Granada, Spagna.

Philip, Gillian Susan (2003) Collocation and Connotation: A corpus-based investigation of colour words in English and Italian. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2003) Replicating features of natural discourse in the preparation of dialogues for B1 learners. [Preprint]

Philip, Gill (2000) An idiomatic theme and variations. A cura di: Heffer, C ; Sauntson, H. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/1130. In: Words in Context: A Tribute to John Sinclair on his Retirement. Birmingham, UK: University Press Birmingham, pp. 221-233. In: English Language Research Monographs, (18).

Philip, Gill (1999) Computer Corpora and the law: a new approach to the translation of legal terms. In: International Association of Forensic Linguistics Fourth Biennial Conference, 28 giugno - 01 luglio1999, Birmingham, UK.

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