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Numero di documenti: 63.

De Raedt, W. ; Brebels, S. ; Monfraix, Ph. ; Carchon, G. ; Jourdain, Anne ; Tilmans, Harrie A.C. (2001) 0-Level packaging techniques for flip-chip mounted MMICs. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bollaert, S. ; Wallart, X. ; Lepilliet, S. ; Cappy, A. ; Jalaguier, E. ; Pocas, S. ; Aspar, B. (2001) 0.12 µm GATE LENGTH In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As HEMTs on transferred substrate. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Monteiro, Paulo P. ; Violas, Manuel ; Sousa Ribeiro, Rui ; Ferreira da Rocha, José (2001) 40 Gbit/s GaAs MMIC Signal Processor for Optical Communication Systems. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bartocci, M. ; De Santis, G. ; Giolo, G. ; Rossi, L. ; Gemma, M. (2001) 4W TX/RX Multi Chip Module for 6-18GHz Phased Array. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Zelley, C. A. ; Barnes, A. R. ; Ashcroft, R. W. (2001) A 60 GHz double balanced sub-harmonic mixer MMIC. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Wei, C.-J. ; Gering, J. ; Sprinkle, S. ; Tkachenko, Y.A. ; Bartle, D. (2001) A Compact, semi-physically based model predicts accurate aower and linearity of power InGaP HBTs. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Morioka, Shigeki ; Yokoi, Kiyotaka ; Yoshida, Katsuyuki ; Shirasaki, Takayuki (2001) A DC to 40GHz Low Cost Surface Mountable RF-VIA TM Package. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Kim, Youngsik ; Kim, JiYoun ; Kim, Sungwoo ; Kim, Bumman (2001) A Novel method for the Higher Order components extraction of the Channel current in GaAs MESFET. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Masini, Leonardo ; Pozzoni, Massimo ; Caliumi, Alberto ; Tomasini, Luciano ; Morigi, Damiana ; Lemaire, Frederic (2001) A fully integrated silicon-germanium X-Band VCO. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Simbürger, W. ; Bakalski, W. ; Kehrer, D. ; Wohlmuth, H.D. ; Rest, M. ; Aufinger, K. ; Boguth, S. ; Scholtz, A. L. (2001) A monolithic 5.8 GHZ power amplifier in a 25 GHZ FT Silicon Bipolar technology. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Sercu, Jeannick ; Knockaert, Luc ; De Zutter, Daniel (2001) A new mesh reduction technology for the method of moments modelling of planar RF and microwave interconnects. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Malaver, Emigdio ; Garcia, José Angel ; Tazon, Antonio ; Mediavilla, Angel (2001) A novel approach for highly linear automatic gain control of a hemt small-signal amplifier. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Cidronali, A. ; Collodi, G. ; Deshpande, M. ; El-Zein, N. ; Manes, G. ; Nair, V. (2001) A proposal of a bi-directional amplifier based on tunneling diodes for RF tagging system. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Kantanen, M. ; Lahdes, M. ; Tuovinen, J. ; Vähä-Heikkilä, T. ; Kangaslahti, P. ; Jukkala, P. ; Hughes, N. (2001) A wideband automated measurement system for on-wafer noise parameter measurements at 50-75 GHZ. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Tocca, L. ; Di Carlo, A. ; Berliocchi, M. ; Lugli, P. ; Bartocci, M. ; De Santis, G. ; Giolo, G. ; Rossi, L. ; Gemma, M. (2001) Accurate estimation of layer temperature in PHEMT MMIC by photoconductance measurements. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

de Hek, A.P. ; de Boer, A. ; Svensson, T. (2001) C-band 10-Watt HBT High-power Amplifier with 50% PAE. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Deluca, P.M. ; Landini, B.E. ; Welser, R. E. (2001) Carbon Doped InP/InGaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors Grown By MOCVD. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Schreurs, D. ; De Raedt, W. ; Vandersmissen, R. ; Neuhaus, B. ; Beyer, A. ; Nauwelaers, B. (2001) Correlation between the reliability of HEMT devices and that of a combined oscillator-amplifier. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Nakano, Hiroshi ; Yamawaki, Hiromoto ; Hirachi, Yasutake (2001) Cost-Effective 60-GHz Modules with Phase-Noise of -110dBc/Hz at 100KHz Offset using Novel Self-Heterodyne Scheme. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Meng, C. C. ; Lu, S. S. ; Chen, H. C. ; Chiang, M. H. ; Kuan, J. F. ; Lin, D. C. ; Huang, G. W. (2001) DC-8 GHz 11 dB Gain GaInP/GaAs HBT Double balanced Gilbert Micromixer. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Tentzeris, M. ; Laskar, J. ; Sutono, A. ; Lee, C.–H. ; Davis, M.F. ; Obatoyinbo, A. ; Lim, K. (2001) Development of Highly Integrated 3D Microwave - Millimeter Wave Radio Front-End System-on-Package (SOP). In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Carbonera, F. ; Bertazzi, F. ; Goano, M. ; Ghione, G. (2001) Efficient CM-FEM modeling of coplanar waveguides for high-speed e/o modulators. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bignamini, M. ; Favre, G. ; Meazza, A. ; Pagani, M. ; Palomba, F. ; Sivverini, G. (2001) Efficient development of highly linear MMIC power amplifiers. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Rodriguez-Tellez, J. ; Ali, N.T. ; Fernandez, T. ; Mediavilla, A. ; Tazon, A. (2001) Electric field dependency of traps in mesfet/hemt devices. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Gorelenok, A.T. ; Andrievskii, V.F. ; Kamanin, A.V. ; Kohanovskii, S.I. ; Shmidt, N.M (2001) Electrical and photoluminescence properties of bulk GaAs after surface gettering. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Fagan, Christopher J. ; Snowden, Christopher M. (2001) Electro-Thermal modelling of very High power Microwave bipolar Junction transistors. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Stevens, K.S. ; Welser, R. E. ; Deluca, P.M. ; Landini, B. E. ; Lutz, C. R. ; Wolfsdorf-Brenner, T. L. (2001) Enhanced Performance GaAs-Based HBTs using a GaInNAs Base Layer. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Santarelli, A. ; Zucchelli, G. ; Paganelli, R. ; Vannini, G. ; Filicori, F. (2001) Equivalent-voltage description of low-frequency dispersive effects in large-signal fet models. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Dienelt, J. ; Zimmer, K. ; Rauschenbach, B. (2001) Etching behaviour of GaAs with chlorine chemically assisted ion beam etching depending on the surface temperature. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Panks, A. J. ; Batty, W. ; David, S. ; Johnson, R. G. ; Snowden, C. M. (2001) Fully physical electro-thermal CAD for Power FET optimisation by Non Uniform Finger Spacing. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Jolly, C. ; Keenan, R. ; Hug, J. ; Lucek, J. ; Ou, S. ; Bonaguide, G. ; Osman, S. ; Wagemans, A. (2001) GaAs HBT PA module design for CDMA handsets. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Théron, D. ; Cordier, Y. ; Wallart, X. ; Bollaert, S. ; Zaknoune, M. ; Boudrissa, M. ; Bonte, B. ; Gaquière, C. ; Rousseau, M. ; Dessenne, F. ; Mollot, F. ; Cappy, A. ; Fauquembergue, R. ; De Jaeger, J.C. (2001) Hemt structures and technology on GAAS and inp for power amplification in millimetre wave range. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Litwin, A. ; Chen, Q. ; Johansson, J. ; Ma, G. ; Olofsson, L-A. ; Perugupalli, P. (2001) High Power LDMOS technology for wireless infrastructure. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Virk, Robinder S. ; Bos, Thomas A. ; Camargo, E. ; Hasegawa, Yuichi (2001) High dynamic range MMIC converters for LMDS applications. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Enciso, M. ; Aniel, F. ; Giguerre, L. ; Crozat, P. ; Adde, R. (2001) High frequency properties of Si/SiGe n-MODFETs: dependence on gate length and temparture. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Kamenopolsky, Stanimir ; Dankov, Plamen (2001) High performance test fixture for 10-Port MMIC's characterisation. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Floriot, D. ; Delage, S. L. ; Piotrowicz, S. ; Chartier, E. ; Auxemery, P. (2001) High power HBT technologies : present and trends. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Manfrin, S.K. ; Orengo, G. ; Giannini, F. ; Romero, M. A. (2001) High tuning speed optical receiver front-end for packet-switched WDM Networks. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Madonna, G. L. ; Pfost, M. ; Schultheis, R. ; Mueller, J.E. (2001) Investigations of linearity characteristics for larege-emitter area GaAs HBT power stages. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Colicchia, L. ; Comparini, M.C. ; Di Nardo, S. ; Leone, C. ; Giordano, M. ; Ranieri, P. ; Suriani, A. ; Tursini, M. (2001) Ku & C Band solid state switch matrix for satellite payloads using LTCC multilayer substrate. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bouisse, Gerard (2001) Latest advances in high power SI MMIC. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Sueamtsu, N. ; Ono, M. ; Nakajima, K. (2001) Low Loss On-chip passive components for Si-MMIC by using CPW structure. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Danneville, F. ; Tamen, B. ; Cappy, A. ; Juraver, J-B ; Llopis, O. ; Graffeuil, J. (2001) Low frequency noise conversion in fets under nonlinear operation. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Aja, B. ; de la Fuente, M.L. ; Pascual, J.P. ; Mediavilla, A. ; Artal, E. (2001) Low noise monolithic Ka-BAND P-HEMT amplifier for space applications. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Sutton, William ; Alekseev, Egor ; Pavlidis, Dimitris (2001) Microwave and DC Performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Grown on Si using a New Growth Technique. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Kriz, Jeff (2001) Mixed Mode Silicon-on-Insulator MMIC Technology for digitally controlled RF/Microwave Systems. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Gould, P. ; Lin, J. ; Boric-Lubecke, O. (2001) NMOS SPDT Switch MMIC with >44 dB Isolation and 30 dBm IIP3 for Applications within GSM and UMTS bands. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bouysse, Ph. ; Barataud, D. ; Sommet, R. ; Teyssier, J.P. ; Nébus, J.M. ; Quéré, R. (2001) New trends in characterization and modeling of High Power devices. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Kim, Woonyun ; Kang, Sanghoon ; Lee, Kyungho ; Chung, Minchul ; Kim, Bumman (2001) Non linear behavior of power HBT. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Villemazet, JF. ; Rogeaux, E. ; Roques, D. ; Cayrou, Jean-Christophe ; Cogo, B. ; Solulard, M. ; Cazaux, Jean-Louis (2001) Novel compact double balanced coplanar active mixer Application to a single chip MMIC receiver for satellite repeater. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Sannino, M. ; Caddemi, A. ; Donato, N. (2001) On wafer thermal investigation of gaas-based microwave transistors by a thermoelectric system. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Bianco, P. ; Donati Guerrieri, S. ; Ghione, G. ; Pirola, M. ; Naldi, C.U. ; Florian, C. ; Vannini, G. ; Santarelli, A. ; Filicori, F. ; Manfredi, L. (2001) Optimum design of a new predistortion scheme for high linearity K-band MMIC power amplifiers. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Olavsbråten, Morten (2001) Parameter extraction and evaluation of the Bias dependence of Tf, for the VBIC Model used on a GaAs HBT. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Rudiakova, Anna N. ; Krizhanovski, Vladimir G. ; Kazimierczuk, Marian K. (2001) Phase tuning approach for polyharmonic power amplifiers. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Walden, Mark G. (2001) Pulsed power operation of commercially available silicon carbide mesfets. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Joodaki, M. ; Senyildiz, T. ; Kompa, G. ; Hillmer, H. ; Leinhos, T. ; Kassing, R. (2001) Quasi-Monolithic integration technology (QMIT) for power applications. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Leier, H. ; Wieszt, A. ; Behtash, R. ; Tobler, H. ; Vescan, A. ; Dietrich, R. ; Schurr, A. ; Sledzik, H. ; Birbeck, JCH. ; Balmer, R. S. ; Martin, T. (2001) RF Power performance of passivated ALGAN/GAN hfets grown on sic and sapphire. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Cappelluti, F. ; Bonani, F. ; Donati Guerrieri, S. ; Ghione, G. ; Naldi, C. U. ; Peroni, M. ; Cetronio, A. ; Graffitti, R. (2001) Self-consistent fully dynamic electro-thermal simulation of power HBTS. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Saint-Etienne, Eric ; Reig, Bruno ; Deborgies, F. ; Ghesquiers, Jean-Pierre ; Roques, Daniel ; Le Meur, Gerard ; Cogo, B. ; Mancuso, Yves (2001) Silicon Packaging and RF Solder-free Interconnect for X-band SAR T/R Module. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Lopez, D. ; Sommet, R. ; Quéré, R. (2001) Spice Thermal Subcircuit of Multifinger HBT derived from Ritz Vector reduction technique of 3D Thermal Simulation for electrothermal modeling. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Schreurs, D. ; Verspecht, J. ; Acciari, G. ; Colantonio, P. ; Giannini, F. ; Limiti, E. ; Leuzzi, G. (2001) Theoretical and experimental assessment of the non-linear scattering functions for the cad of non-linear microwave circuits. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Linnik, M. ; Christou, A. (2001) Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser for Operation at 1.5 µm with Integral AlGaInAs/InP Bragg mirrors. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

Murgadella, F. ; Coulon, P. ; Moreau, C. (2001) X-BAND technologies and MMICS comparison for active phased Array Radar. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. Gaas 2001, 24-28 September 2001, London.

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